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50+ Gambar Kujaku Koi Champion

50+ Gambar Kujaku Koi Champion. It began serialization in 1985, total 17 volumes and has been spun off into anime, two live action films, peacock king and saga of the phoenix, and video games. Translated by seiryuu koi carp.

Kujaku Koi Koi Fish Drawing Koi Fish
We import and sell their. Mirip dengan tancho kujaku, warna hitam juga terdapat di badannya, tetapi tidak beraturan seperti pada tancho. Koi kujaku adalah jenis ikan koi yang sering juga disebut dengan ikan koi champion.

Seiryuu koi carp is the exclusive agent of konishi koi farm (hiroshima) for indonesia.

Kujaku memiliki warna dasar putih yang dihiasi dengan pola jaring berwarna hitam dan pola merah atau orange atau kuning yang menutupi sebagian pola jaring tersebut. This is the original depiction of mai kujaku, known as mai valentine in most english media, as created by kazuki takahashi. Pada gambar panah di atas ialah jenis koi shiro matsuba. Champion nishikigoi specializes in koi fish supplies, showa fish, kohaku fish, imported japanese koi fish, sanke koi fish and more.